Lilacs & Lauren
Jan 26, 20193 min read
Why Switch to Natural Deodorant?
It seems like switching to natural deodorant is all the rage as of late. Personally, I'm all for trends that benefit your health and...
It seems like switching to natural deodorant is all the rage as of late. Personally, I'm all for trends that benefit your health and wellness, are plant derived, and are not tested on animals. I think it is very important for us to know what is in our products and natural is always the best place to start.
I actually made the switch to all natural deodorant about 8 months ago now, and recently got, Nick (my boyfriend), on the all-natural train about a month ago. At first I did not know where to start with brands. I was definitely intimidated by switching because for as long as I can remember I have been using a clinical strength deodorant, because well, I am a sweaty gal (sorry if that's TMI). After doing some research, I knew that when switching my 'pits' would go through a detox phase. I knew that this phase might be a lil smelly, but it's just the body cleansing itself of all the years of chemical and paraben use. But, after a month or so (depending on your body), my body would adjust. So, I went to TJ Maxx (because DEALS!) to look for one to try. They had several brands to choose from so, first things first, I checked the ingredient lists to make sure they were legit.
When choosing a new natural deodorant, there are a few things to watch out for on the ingredient list. Firstly, aluminum. Many studies have linked the aluminum in our deodorants to preventing our bodies from expelling toxins. This causes clogging of our lymph nodes, which has been linked to breast cancer. Second, parabens. Parabens are used as a preservative and are terrible for us! Parabens mess with our hormones, and have been linked to causing cancer in the breasts or prostate. Third, Steareths. These are basically a carcinogen, so another big NOPE. And fourth, artificial colors. Artificial colors are known as carcinogens, as well as causing allergic reactions.
After finding one that did not contain any of the things I listed, and smelled great, I gave it a try. For the first few months I was not too sure about the one that I chose. It smelled good but I felt like I had to apply it sooo much just to avoid getting smelly. And being an already sweaty person, in the heat of summer in Southern California, avoiding getting sweaty and smelly was nearly impossible. Fast forward to November, I came across Schmidt's Charcoal Magnesium Deodorant. I loved the smell, it's fresh, light, and almost a little masculine (they have other scents too) so I picked it up. It's now the end of January and I am loving it! I NEVER SMELL! Even after going to the gym and getting drenched doing cardio, I'm super sweaty, but I still smell fresh. Nick is using the same one and he is absolutely loving it too.
So to anyone out there who might be lost or overwhelmed in the natural deodorant world, I whole heartedly stand by Schmidt's Natural Deodorant. It's super easy to find and under $6.00! They are all available at Target and I have included links on the photos listed below.
I hope this post was helpful and gave some of you the last little push into switching to an all natural deodorant!
Feel free to leave a comment and/or ask any questions you might have. I'm happy to answer them!