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Hi, I'm Lauren

"Staying active, connecting with nature, plant based food, natural healing remedies, and natural beauty are a few of my favorite things."

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Valentine's Day. A day of LOVE

I know Valentine's Day isn't for everyone. The decorations can be tacky, and sometimes we just don't like the expectations that come with it. However, maybe we should look at Valentine's Day in a new light. Instead of a day where we spend money on over-priced flowers, crummy chocolates, and feel like we have to be in a relationship to celebrate, let's look at it for what it should be. A day of love. Give love to others and give love to yourself!

Love is the most powerful thing in our world. The meaning of love is different to everyone in different circumstances. To me, love is an intense, selfless, healing, wonderful feeling and action. It can be shown in many different ways that don't include buying gifts or spending a lot of money. You can give love to yourself and others with the smallest of actions.

For others. Write a thoughtful note or text to someone you care about. Cook someone their favorite meal. Tell your significant other (or friends and family) all the unique things you love about them. Put together a photo album for someone you love. Plan a little picnic. Go for a walk in a beautiful place. Put on a movie that you and someone love. You can also show love for others by volunteering somewhere, like a homeless shelter or animal shelter (you can show love to the four legged ones too).

As far as self-love goes, whether you are in relationship or doing your thing on your own, we should all use this day to practice self-love. Self-love is extremely important. Because, well, you are amazing! If we can't give love to ourselves, we can't fully express love to others. Practicing self-love this V-Day can be super simple. Write down 10 things that you love about yourself. Light your favorite candle. Put on music you love and dance. Do a face mask. Make your favorite tea (or coffee). Read a book that excites you. Get dressed up for yourself. Or get a workout in and get your endorphins going.

These are just a few suggestions out of the endless ways you can give love to yourself and others. The best part is, you can never give too much love! Love is what keeps us all going in this crazy world. It's timeless and sacred. It's healing and fulfilling. So don't be afraid to give all the love this Valentine's Day!



I'd love to hear the ways you are going to give love to yourself and others this Valentine's Day. Leave your ideas in the comments!

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